- In the Greek mythology, Penelope weaves a tapestry while her husband is away and she says that only when she finishes it then she we not faithful, she weaves during the day and unpick during the night! by doing that she never finishes it and stay faithful to her husband!
- Sleeping beauty and the spinning wheel, she hurts herself with it and fall into a deep sleep
- Lady of Shalott a Victorian ballad by the English poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809–1892), the Lady of Shallot weaves.
- Emile Zola also used tom describe an atmosphere using a lot of textiles. L'assomoire, the ladies paradise

seminars notes:
Textiles? is seen as inferior on the art scene? is the idea of it being a women's craft influence it status? is it perceived lower?
I love being a textile designer and as a women I think that it might be perceived slightly inferior but it gives me will to be even better!
The sad reality is that women still haven't won the status they deserve! a cook is usually a woman, most woman cook at home but yet that famous chefs are all men! Same with fashion designer, the majority of famous fashion designers are men! There is place for improvement
the other point that was made during the seminars is that textile is still sometimes associated with "a hobby", people don't understand it can be a career!
Back in time textile was as precious as gold, you could pay for something with textile! it was respected but not it lost its presence, it is not even acknowledge sometimes, we forget that textiles are everywhere and that we all use them from the very moment of our birth!
Why has it lost its place? relocation? society of consummation? fast fashion? loss of tradition?
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