15 -10 - 10
Visit of the Trash Fashion exhibition at the Science Museum
Visit of the Trash Fashion exhibition at the Science Museum
This visit was very interesting as it gave me a better understanding of some of the new creations we were shown on the first session.
As I understand it, the future of fashion is all about no waste and new ways of making fabric and fashion a fairer and better industry. Is it really going to revolutionized the way we shop and think about clothes? Are we all going to be able to afford "no mass production"? These are some questions I ask myself.
I think the knitting technology that creates a garment that is made on your exact measure is really cool and genius and it will just need to make it available on the high street to make it a revolution.
The videos that explained the garments construction were very well made.
It is obvious for me now that science and textiles are holding hands and are a strong team
My idea, to embrace the idea of textile and science working together, would be to create a scented fabric, where the fabric design would also smell and taste of something; for example Willy Wonka Lickable Wallpaper.
shape memory textile video
- Shape Memory Textile by Marielle Leenders.
shape memory textile video
- Hussein Chalayan Laser Dress ( SS08)
in the video, Hussein Chalayan says that it is way of working, doing a monument, a masterpeice and then design garments from it that can be wearable.
hussein chalayan- the making of ss 08
Some cool stuff that were shown at this exhibition about the future of textiles.
- first of all I quite like how the seperated textiles in different categories:
- protection PROTEX
- clothing CLOTHTEX
- SMARTEX ( intelligent textiles)
- sport SPORTEX
- health MEDTEX
- transport MOBILTEX
- the universe of the home HOMTEX
- construction and architecture BUILDTEX
- the geotextiles GEOTEX ( synthetic, biodegradable and ecological)
- D30, undergarment for extreme sports - the material is light and supple in normal conditions but harden in the event of a fall, Genius!!! it was adopted in 2006 for the Turin Olympic Games
- MIT future warriors - still under development, a totally retro reflective suits than could make the soldier or spy nearly totally invisible!!
- Teresa Almeida space dress - a dress than can inflate de pending of the owner need of space!! pick hours London underground, here I come!!!
- LZR racer - the swim suit Speedo LZR racer enables swimmer to swim faster, ask Michael Phelps if you don't believe me... through compression, it creates the most hydrodynamic shape for the swimmer.
- Weyers and Borms rain tree - a rain resevoir, it is made out of polyester/glass fibre and is casting and old oak trunk, it can contains up to 400litres of water
- Bina Baitel, pull over lamp - this lamp is made out of optical fibre, it can be turned inside out like a turtle neck top, to the owner light convenience.
26- 11- 10
WEB Browsing: Extreme Textiles
Ceramic fashion! Chines artist Li Xiaofeng graduated from the mural painting department! his creations are not only beautiful and inventive there are also wearable!
it is a great example of how broad textiles are!
Made out of 36.5millions polyester filaments braided intricately. Breaking point of 2,007,273 kilos! it was used in the Gulf of Mexico during the BP oil disaster.
Woven carbon fibres moulded in a shape that act as a springboard, used by para-olympic athletes! textiles is innovative, only for the better!
Skiing helmet that optimise the speed nut in case of falls, break to reveal a protective inner helmet! manufactured by a Swiss company. one layer of woven Kevlar between two layers of woven and nonwoven glassfibres, polyster resin.
Plaster like, skin sensitive, multi-sensor textile used to collect, process and store physiological data. can be read and used in the health sector.
Warp knitted polyster and Lycra, Used to camouflage tanks using the heavily textured surface instead of the military printed one. I love the fact that it is knit as knit is so easily associated with grand-mums knitting socks on a sofa.
Made out of 26 layers of Teflon-coated Beta cloth, Mylar, Dacron and Kapton fabrics and films. The skylab2 suits were a trimmed version of the Apollo suits.
If you thing about it... Without textiles technology... no one would have been able to set foot on the Moon...
Show and Tell, some bits that I found interesting and inspirational
- Bio-material for artificial organs; the fact that textile can be used in a medical condition and help to save lives is, I think, an incredible innovation.
- An the other one was Chantelle presentation about the Smart Bra that can detect breast cancer at an early stage.
- the Hug Shirt, that let people send hugs to each other over long distances, using Blue tooth and Java enabled mobile phones; being away from my family I fell in love with that technology
- the Bagasse Fiber, fibre made out of the pulp of the sugar cane, mainly to make paper. it has also been made into fabric for cleaning purpose, I liked it as I see potential in it, it has an eco life cycle and also because the idea or creating a fabric out of sugar fibre sound too good to be true!!

BOOK: Textile Designers at the cutting edge, Bradley Quinn
I look at that book more in detail during the holidays, there is a lot of really inspiring work and designers- ANGEL CHANG, this new-york based designer creates print that changes colour when exposed to the wearer's body heat amongst other work. In the book she mentioned the fact that the lives of the women nowadays has changed a lot but that the clothes hasn't evolved with it; I love her approach, I think it is true that our lives have changed and not many designers take account of it it and include it in their design, Angel Chang work is full of a woman sensitivity and sensibility! Inspiring......
- CLARE THOUGH, British designer who has everything in her hands to change the face of knitwear, fun to wear and unexpected " I think the ides behind my work is to find a way of using traditional techniques in a modern context; I think she is very a very exciting designer because she gives life to knit that can sometimes be a bit plain and repetitive.
- GUT'S DYNAMITE CABARETS, the proof that messy can also be successful!! J'ADORE Cabarets Aki and Jackal Kuzu are the two designers behind the brand, the had their own rock'n'roll band, named the same as the brand, their band was very popular and still have a fan base, so what they did is designing clothes that they would wear themselves as rock stars,
Their work and print has been a real inspiration for me, I love the fact they don't care and just go for it, it is outrageously good!
Egroskin Bio-feedback Underwear created by Talia Elena Radford Cryns, this product can detect the body posture and correct it with impulses, more than appropriate for office worker and in medical (rehabilitation) circumstances.

- HSIAO-CHI TSAI, Taiwanese textile designer creates huge sculptures using foam, she is constantly in research of new material that would be rigid enough to be woven into three dimensional forms. What I like about her work is that it shows how far textile design can go!
- PETRA BLAISSE (Inside Outside), Amsterdam-based textile designer, she creates textiles in relation to architecture; in response to volume, spatial proportions and function; site specific textiles. Curtains . flooring that complement the work and ambitions of architect to make the building more fluid. By doing so I think that Petra Blaissebrings to a space more depth and character.
BOOK: Textiles and new technology, edited by Marie O' Mahorany and Sarah Braddock
- ISSEY MIAKE, Nylon dress(S/S 1991) made out of iridescent( that change colour in the light), it was moulded by heat so is sustainable in its own way as it didn't require any stitching or cutting.
BOOK: Radical lace and subversive knitting, McFadden, Museum of Arts and Design
- ERNA VAN SAMBEEK, Turkish-Dutch Tulip Carpet, 2004, Dutch artist who first trained as a painter to then move onto textiles, her Turkish-Dutch Tulip Carpet is intriguing, it is once again an example of how broad textile is.
- DAVE COLE, American artist, who once was challenged by one of his teacher assistant to knit a sculpture. Knit Lead Bear, 2006 and The Knitting Machine, 2005 I like his work first of all because he is is man and he didn't give up on knitting and also because he brought further, he is conceptual.
- CAT MAZZA, Artists living in New York, she started knitting to relax as she worked with computers in electronic media art, and started to see similarities between the two "techniques". She came to create KnitPro, a computer program that allows to transform any images into knitting and others. Inspiring... It happened just like that
web browsing http://www.crunchwear.com

- Intelligent textile pant for the elderly, created by Virginia Tech engineering; these pants are created with sensors inside the garment, in a way that is comfortable to the wearer, their are designed especially to detect if the person has fallen, being recurrent for elderly people, it is an innovation that could help a lot!
- Pacer Suit by Nikola Knezevic and Danilo Zizic, this suit change every move of your body into sound and the wearer becomes a musical instrument, I would love to see a tap dancer wearing it!
- Bubelle emotion sensing dress by Phillips Designs, this dress is made out of two layers the first one, close to the body, detects our inner emotions with biometric sensors and translate them in colours on the second, outer, layer of the dress... this is sensitive clothing in comparison with intelligent clothing, I love the idea, it might help a lot people that can't express their emotion that easily; they should do menswear with it!
- Interactive butterfly dress by Alexander Reeder, a one off creation decorated by interactive butterflies that reacts and move at the pace of the heart. the movement starts when another person gets closer and can even move up and down. It is a very romantic concept...